Custom Wash Bays

Wash Bay Systems for Cleaning Vehicles & Heavy Equipment

If your business has a fleet of vehicles, such as trucks, forklifts, earth moving equipment, or heavy machines, you need a wash bay system. A wash bay system will allow your staff to easily clean all the equipment and vehicles on site. Wash bay systems provide highly efficient cleaning and are easier to maintain than stand-alone pressure washers.

Custom Wash Bay Systems by HPI Processes, Inc.

HPI Processes, Inc. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of integrated wash bay systems that are custom built to fit our customers' requirements.
At HPI Processes, Inc., we understand the importance of having a reliable and efficient wash bay system to maintain your equipment and ensure optimal performance. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of wash bay systems, including industrial wash bays and heavy equipment wash bays, meticulously crafted to meet the demands of your operation
Our custom-built wash bay systems are engineered to deliver superior cleaning performance while maximizing efficiency and minimizing downtime. Whether you require a wash bay for heavy equipment, machinery, vehicles, or any other application, we have the expertise and resources to create a solution that fits your requirements perfectly.

Overview of the HPI Wash Bay System

Following are the major parts of an HPI Wash Bay System:

•    Wash Pad: The wash pad is about 5' wider than the equipment to be washed. It slopes toward the catch basin. The equipment must be driven onto the pad for washing.
•    Pressure Washer: HPI wash bay system includes a stationary pressure washer of the customer’s choice.
•    Catch Basin: Catch basin is installed below the wash pad. It is covered by a grate that acts as a screen for larger sediments. The grate is strong enough to be driven over and can be cleared as needed. Besides, a finer mesh screen can be installed on top of the grate for smaller sediments such as grass clippings, etc. Used wash water from the catch basin is automatically pumped to the recycling machine for cleaning.
•    Recycling Machine: The wastewater is passed through the recycling machine, which removes the contaminants. The clean water is stored in a holding tank for reuse.
•    Disposal System: The contaminants are collected on a filter cloth or in a bag filter. The residue is then dumped into a container for proper disposal.

In conclusion, if you're interested in discovering how HPI Wash Bay Systems can elevate your operation, we encourage you to reach out to our dedicated team of executives. Whether you have specific requirements or need guidance on choosing the right wash bay solution for your needs, we're here to help. Contact us today via our toll-free number at 1-888-733-2832 or email us at us partner with you to create a customized wash bay system that exceeds your expectations and enhances the efficiency of your operation. We look forward to hearing from you and providing you with the perfect solution for your wash bay needs..

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