Medical Industry

Medical Industry

Medical and pharmaceutical processing equipment must be manufactured to very strict standards of purity and precision. It is for this reason that facilities involved in the production of metal equipment for medical and pharmaceutical uses must be equipped with metal finishing capabilities. Whatever the process, the end product must be pure of any surface impurities that might lead to contamination or instrument malfunction. Process lines for metal finishing typically involve a sequence of tanks containing harsh chemicals at varying temperatures employing different methods of agitation. These factors are determined by the type of metal and the intended use of the final product.

In these types of processes many tanks contain water for rinsing which will become contaminated throughout the process. These contaminants will include strong acids, bases, and heavy metals which are of a hazardous nature and cannot be easily disposed of. For the treatment of this water there are techniques to adjust pH and strip out metals from the wastewater onsite. While recycling this water might not be possible due to high purity standards, treatment can be beneficial for the reduction of wastewater disposal costs.

At HPI Processes, Inc. we specialize in both metal finishing lines and compatible wastewater treatment systems. We manufacture custom systems for many types of applications with varying levels of complexity. Contact our experts if you are interested in incorporating a metal finishing line, wastewater treatment system, or a combination of both into your manufacturing operation. We will receive your call at 1-888-733-2832. You may also send your queries to

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